Thursday, October 9, 2008

Capitalism has started to neutralize itself?!

Capitalism has started to neutralize itself?!
Thursday,Oct 9 2008, 12:50:22 PM(Last updated: Thursday,Oct 9 2008, 01:44:31 PM)

Curioso's Journals

Capitalism has started to neutralize itself?

Capitalism like any other Social and International phenomenon has its weak-points. During the After war Era , Americans by the help of their victorious involvements in defeating the Nazi Germany , found it ever much easier to blow up the ball of Capitalism. It was considered a natural thing for the liberated part of the world to accept limitless , tyrant , faceless, stateless capitalism as the invincible, undisciplined, hard to regulate capitalism as the overwhelming social and economic order of the big bother.

During the Cold war Era , the deficiencies of Capitalism was surprisingly covered and justified by the stupid fantacies of Kremlin and its inhabitants ,, trying to make a physical example of an equal world with the Labour force , the same labour fource who were sweating and had the injuries of working their guts for the capital owners ( in this case the Soviet Empire ) on earth. It gave the Manhattan , London , Paris and Frankfurt new excuses to cover up the system's ailments under the increasing faultiness of Communism. The illnesses of a an ignorant arrogant capitalism were not possible to be tackled with , in front of a mighty intensive military capitalism behind the iron curtain. The peasant approaches of Stalinism and Leninism , gave the best excuse to the Wall Street to create the Financial Crisis of 1929 in the U.S. Still it could not be a lesson enough , because the arch foe on the other side of the curtain was totally denying the capital and its natural foster: ,,,, "private ownership".

The Soviets slaughtered the Marxism in such a bad shape that even the good advices of it in the form of Capitalists' own prophets were out of question. Besides , the war industries paved the way for a row of industrial mechanisms that improved the Capitalism's self centered message and made a constructive, humane philosophy of it ,,, mostly exploited by the Financiers and Banking systems that were developing themselves in the shining atmosphere of the after was victorious environment ,,, getting nourished by the stupidity of the mistakes that Soviet Empire did during all its 70 years on power.

The immediate fruit of this "Golden Goat" nurtured by the unlimited , unsatisfiable fancying of more and more money , and not only that , money not earned through the Industrial Sweating and Innovation efforts, but easy money through bluffed corporations ,, creating money through money itself , meaning doing nothing , but destroying the ground principles of the positive Capitalism on their own benefits , got worsened during the 80s by the Governments , the US on top to eliminate any kind of regulations to control the " Gods of the Market Place". Regeanism in the US and Tatcherism in England were the vivid examples of this offensive governmental back up to the "hard to satisfy appetites" for the easy money.

After Soviet Empire's demise , It took certain time to absorb the aftershocks of this phenomenal defeat pro Western Advocated Market Economy and show to the rest of the world that , this was the end for those who deny the Capital and Private Ownership. It certainly was a victorious feeling once again , ( after Nazism was defeated) to justify the "Financial Speculation Economies" that the Capitalism had turned to through out the time.

All the fruitful consequences of a constructive Capitalism were being swallowed up by the easy money chasers in Wall Street , Paris , London , Frankfurt , Berlin , Moscow and even Pekings , this time. The new comers , the last two capitals of the Sovietism and maoism were showing even greater appetite for the easy gains , interpreting it as the national growth ,, showing to the rest of the world how capable they are in imitating the " Rules of the Bif Game" , destrying more and more their environments , and even giving lessons to the West World " how to be a good Capitalist!" .

Now the Capitalist system has the greatest and most enduring crisis since 1929 , in hands. The actual consequences of which is still unknown due to its large and incalculated effects of the weakers economies of the Third World. Famine and devastations of any development process in these countries , will be its very first impacts massive demographic movements together with the loss of ever more real job opportunites in the West , but on the other hand ammassed new millionairs of either worlds who dont even know what trembelling economic fundations of the society means for them as the new Numeclators of the World from West of Manhatan to the East of Moscow.

Capitalism , like any other social and economic rules, must admit regulations. Privatizing the national resources in any price ( the prophecy of the New Liberals ) shoud be stopped ,,, Society has proved as being the ultimate resort of saving the huge capitals from being wasted,, so the government should not and can not lose its sovereignty on its national resources , the new gains of the never satisfied hingry mouths included. This is a rule in human nature , if uncheked it will not stop itslef by his own will. I hope this lesson is not being thought very late.